Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sponge Bob and Burger King?

I recently heard about the Sponge Bob commercial in class and realized i needed to see it for myself. I looked up the commercial that was said to be annoying as it is funny. When I watched the cartoon meets burger king commercial I was completely floored at what I saw. It was a combination of MC HAMMER, Spongebob and half naked women. Although funny to me as an adult to others such as parents this is a controversial commercial due to its sexual explictiness. Spongebob has been known as a rising cartoon among younger adults and children it is always a show to watch to get a laugh out of. But I'm not sure Spongebob Squarepants is something that parents will no longer want their children to watch this show. Spongebob is taking on a new approach and becoming more of an adult cartoon instead of a childs cartoon. After all he is dancing with MC Hammer an 80's singer.

More Examples of the Male Perspective

After our discussion in class about the male perspective and how it is often


Everyone needs some tough love, especially these picky women on the new reality show "Tough Love," on VH1. The show has a lead therapist Steven and his mom who help the helpless women who are self centered, ignorant, crazy, picky women find love. This show is very funny if you watched it. It is a giant therapy session that helps these women in ediquette and better their personalities. Steven the therapists send them on dates with men that would work and men that wouldn't work to show these girls a lesson in love. This show helps people and especially single women recognize the good and bad in the opposite sexs. The past couple of episodes I have watched two women have came out successful and found love overcoming all the obsticacles. One girl dumped her ex for good to be with a guy Brock she met on the show who treated her with respect and he knows he wants a relationship. A show like this not only teaches exceptance but maybe that guys are not all pigs and there are some out there who want the same thing as a woman. So why should we dumb ourselves down for a man? We should do what some of these women did and except and better who we are so we can find TRUE love.

But some look at this as too much tough love. Steve will put you down and make you feel that who you are is wrong some say. But after watching this one girl was asking male advice from her cat! So I think there are some people that need this!


Watching television one day I saw a very interesting preview for a movie called "Obsessed," with Beyonce Knowles. The movie is about a new secretary that is hired at Beyonce's husbands work space. The woman is a white tall blonde who makes extreme advances toward her husband as he rejects her repeatdly. The scary spin on this movie is that the woman is stalking the man. She is the one making sexual advances and becomes violent with Beyonce. This movie adds a new spin on stalking when you see that the stalker is a woman it shocks you because majority of stalking is done by men. This woman is not only physically forward but mentally as well by leaving presents in his childs room. I hope that this scenario does not happen to anyone but I thought that this movie was a good example of the gaze being from a woman more so than the man.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Sex really sells but when everyone starts complaining about how videos and music are teaching are kids perverted things we can’t help but wonder why these songs and videos keep making the tops. One song in particular is by Brittney Spears called “If You Seek Amy,” really caught my interested when it was a huge topic on the Good morning America show. I just assumed that because Britney had been the spotlight for so long with her three melt downs and her babies’ daddy taking away the kids, but come to find out Britney is back on her “A” game with a catchy new song that is sweeping the nation but also making a lot of parents of young Britney fans uncomfortable. The song is about a girl in the club who everyone for some reason wants to take home with them, and this is not to take home for a sleepover. It directs towards men and women, bringing about the fact that this mysterious girl Amy is 100% sex kitten that everyone man or woman wants a piece of her. The song goes as far as talking about being obsessive by repetitively asking; where they might find Amy, what she likes with her drink, is she outside or in the bathroom? This song represents stalking, sexual abuse, and being permiscuis and that being okay. No one in the song that is looking for Amy is wanting her for her personality or just to meet this fun chick obviously Amy has been around this club once or twice. So I will let you look for yourself here are the lyrics complements of :

La la la lala la la la
La la la lala la la la
La la la lala la la la
La la la lala la la la

Oh baby, baby
Have you seen Amy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom ?
Is she smokin' up outside?

Oh baby, baby
Does she take a piece of lime
For the drink that Imma buy her
Do you know just what she likes?

Oh Oh
Tell me have you seen her
'Cause I'm so
Oh I can't get her off of my brain
I just want to go to the party she gon' go
Can somebody take me home
Haha hehe haha ho

Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can't you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy

Amy told me that she's gonna meet me up
I don't know where or when
And now they're closing up the club
I've seen her once or twice before she knows my face
But it's hard to see
With all the people standing in the way

Oh Oh
Tell me have you seen her
'Cause I'm so
Oh I can't get her off of my brain
I just want to go to the party she gon' go
Can somebody take me home
Haha hehe haha ho

Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can't you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy

Say what you want about me
But can't you see what I see
Say what you want about me

So tell me if you've seen her (let me know what she was wearing and what she was like)
Cause I've been waiting here forever (do you if she was going out all night)
Oh baby baby
If You Seek Amy tonight
Oh baby baby
We'll do whatever you like
Oh baby baby baby
Oh baby baby baby

La la la lala la la la
La la la lala la la la
La la la lala la la la
La la la lala la la la

Love me hate me
Say what you want about me (Say what ya want about me!)
But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy (If you seek amy...)
Love me hate me
But can't you seek what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy (you seek Amy!...)
Love me hate me
Say what you want about me (yeah)
Love me hate me
But can't you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy

Oh (love me hate me)
Say what you want about me
But can't you see what I see (love me hate me)
Oh Say what you want about me

All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy

The funny thing is the way they get you with this song is the hidden chorus that says “if you seek Amy,” but if you sing it and listen to it sounds like “F-U-C-K ME.” I have to admit it is a very clever song the first song I have heard next to “Stairway to Heaven,” but I don’t have to play this song backwards to hear Amy wants to get down. I can see this song as being controversial in that when Britney first hit the scene she was the girl next door making somewhat sexual songs but that didn’t seem to bother most because she was an all American princess. But as soon as Britney starting having children, a divorce, and a mental melt down people became uneasy. But as soon as Britney made a comeback more people wanted to hear her new single. Now the girl next door is the stripper next door. This is telling our younger generation that being sexual active will get you the attention you deserve, but maybe people are “seeking Amy,” because she is missing because she got raped or met the wrong crazy fan who did her in. People don’t tend to think of that aspect when dancing to the new Britney song, but they sure as anything absorb what she is saying and continue to think that sex is okay with multiple people anytime anywhere. So maybe this time parents have a right to be mad that their children’s ipods are full of “Hit me Baby One More Time,” “I’m A Slave For You,” and “If You Seek Amy;” because no one wants to be “seeking out” someone they love because they might have met Amy or Amy’s friends. Of course YouTube only has the edited :) but I'm sure the video says it all.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


skin cancer. Pictures, Images and Photos

Tanning as we all know is not the best for your skin and health, but as a pale woman the wish of a golden tan is always to be on the mind when vacation season comes around. While tanning at the local spa I took off their logo plastic sign off the bed that underneath holds free passes and informs you the bed has been sanitized. I placed the plastic mini sign on the ledge by the mirror and as I lathered myself in some golden tanning crème to prepare for my UV sun bath I read the sign. The sign said “IMAGE SUN, because image is everything,” this sign just made me realize how suckered I was as well as many teen girls to achieve a beauty that might even cause me great harm or kill me. That sign was the perfect saying for women around America and the world. Whether we are bleaching our skin, injecting it or trying to tan it we are taking great lengths to be the object of beauty. I decide after that to check online at several tanning salon sites to find out what other for women were out there. I found tons of information from HotSpot saying that tanning would make you “beautiful.” But after reading these testimonials of how tanning made people glamorous I read how tanning exposure can be negative. The lengths that we will go to be beautiful and feel good about ourselves is telling me and I hope everyone else that even girls who are writing blogs about this *hint hint* can be suckered into achieving looks that kill.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


After reading the homework reading on Cosmopolitian I had the urge to look at the magazine from a different perspective. I picked up the new issue of Cosmo for March that i received in the mail yesterday. Reading through I looked for things that Brown was saying a "normal" woman should be. Brown said in the article that a woman should be sexy, and the way to sexiness is screwing you boss and being anorexic. Reading through the magazine I came upon "Sexy Secrets Your Lover and You Have." These 50 secrets were quite graphic but I read one that left my mouth open. It said, "cheating is okay if you only do it once." It first off sounded like a high schooler had wrote the 50 secrets full of sexy escapades and sexy positions, but this quote is telling women and men that it is okay to be unfaithful. How is anyone suppose to find prince charming? Similar to my blog post about the bachelor women and men are looking for a quick fix and fast love. But if we are taught that there is always something better and it is okay to be unfaithful in your relationship how are we supposed to ever trust and be confident and comfortable in ourselves and our relationships. I hope that someday magazines can read their own writing and realize that some of their content can be disturbing and advice that should not be taken.