Thursday, April 30, 2009


Everyone needs some tough love, especially these picky women on the new reality show "Tough Love," on VH1. The show has a lead therapist Steven and his mom who help the helpless women who are self centered, ignorant, crazy, picky women find love. This show is very funny if you watched it. It is a giant therapy session that helps these women in ediquette and better their personalities. Steven the therapists send them on dates with men that would work and men that wouldn't work to show these girls a lesson in love. This show helps people and especially single women recognize the good and bad in the opposite sexs. The past couple of episodes I have watched two women have came out successful and found love overcoming all the obsticacles. One girl dumped her ex for good to be with a guy Brock she met on the show who treated her with respect and he knows he wants a relationship. A show like this not only teaches exceptance but maybe that guys are not all pigs and there are some out there who want the same thing as a woman. So why should we dumb ourselves down for a man? We should do what some of these women did and except and better who we are so we can find TRUE love.

But some look at this as too much tough love. Steve will put you down and make you feel that who you are is wrong some say. But after watching this one girl was asking male advice from her cat! So I think there are some people that need this!

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