Thursday, March 12, 2009


After reading the homework reading on Cosmopolitian I had the urge to look at the magazine from a different perspective. I picked up the new issue of Cosmo for March that i received in the mail yesterday. Reading through I looked for things that Brown was saying a "normal" woman should be. Brown said in the article that a woman should be sexy, and the way to sexiness is screwing you boss and being anorexic. Reading through the magazine I came upon "Sexy Secrets Your Lover and You Have." These 50 secrets were quite graphic but I read one that left my mouth open. It said, "cheating is okay if you only do it once." It first off sounded like a high schooler had wrote the 50 secrets full of sexy escapades and sexy positions, but this quote is telling women and men that it is okay to be unfaithful. How is anyone suppose to find prince charming? Similar to my blog post about the bachelor women and men are looking for a quick fix and fast love. But if we are taught that there is always something better and it is okay to be unfaithful in your relationship how are we supposed to ever trust and be confident and comfortable in ourselves and our relationships. I hope that someday magazines can read their own writing and realize that some of their content can be disturbing and advice that should not be taken.

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