Thursday, April 30, 2009


Watching television one day I saw a very interesting preview for a movie called "Obsessed," with Beyonce Knowles. The movie is about a new secretary that is hired at Beyonce's husbands work space. The woman is a white tall blonde who makes extreme advances toward her husband as he rejects her repeatdly. The scary spin on this movie is that the woman is stalking the man. She is the one making sexual advances and becomes violent with Beyonce. This movie adds a new spin on stalking when you see that the stalker is a woman it shocks you because majority of stalking is done by men. This woman is not only physically forward but mentally as well by leaving presents in his childs room. I hope that this scenario does not happen to anyone but I thought that this movie was a good example of the gaze being from a woman more so than the man.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that it was a good idea to make the spin of stalking on a man instead of a woman. It takes away the normal thought of stalking of being a man following around a woman and eventually catching up to her while shes alone and raping her or killing her. Instead its a woman that won't leave a faithfull husband alone. It puts a great spin on the usual man stalking woman and the man as being the unfaithfull when put into the situation that he was.
