Thursday, March 26, 2009


skin cancer. Pictures, Images and Photos

Tanning as we all know is not the best for your skin and health, but as a pale woman the wish of a golden tan is always to be on the mind when vacation season comes around. While tanning at the local spa I took off their logo plastic sign off the bed that underneath holds free passes and informs you the bed has been sanitized. I placed the plastic mini sign on the ledge by the mirror and as I lathered myself in some golden tanning crème to prepare for my UV sun bath I read the sign. The sign said “IMAGE SUN, because image is everything,” this sign just made me realize how suckered I was as well as many teen girls to achieve a beauty that might even cause me great harm or kill me. That sign was the perfect saying for women around America and the world. Whether we are bleaching our skin, injecting it or trying to tan it we are taking great lengths to be the object of beauty. I decide after that to check online at several tanning salon sites to find out what other for women were out there. I found tons of information from HotSpot saying that tanning would make you “beautiful.” But after reading these testimonials of how tanning made people glamorous I read how tanning exposure can be negative. The lengths that we will go to be beautiful and feel good about ourselves is telling me and I hope everyone else that even girls who are writing blogs about this *hint hint* can be suckered into achieving looks that kill.


  1. I agree. Teenage girls and women, and now even many men are heading to the tanning beds to get that summer glow. What gets me are the commercials that you hear on the radio saying that you have to go tanning to get vitamin D and that tons of Americans don't have enough Vitamin D, when in fact just by going out side once day and seeing the light of day, you are going to get the vitamin D that you need. Beauty is not everything and I was once the girl who needed to go tanning for Prom and Senior week, but realized that at the cost of health, who cares if your skin is a little pale! Hopefully we can educate young girls that it is okay to be who you are in your own skin, and that tanning is dangerous and not needed, it is only a social issue that girls feel they need to conform to.

  2. I agree. Women are always trying to be more beautiful and never think that they are beautiful just as they are. Not only is tanning bad for your health, but also after years of tanning, your skin can start to look old and leathery. So women think tanning will make them more beautiful, but it will actually, over time, make them less beautiful by damaging their skin.

  3. This a great issue to discuss because it is so present in our society. Now that summer is coming I hear people talking about how they need to go tanning or get tan soon all day every day. Prom is definitely something that gets teenage girls to go tanning and basically pay to give themselves skin cancer. They would rather endanger themselves then be pale. This is an interesting thing because not too long ago pale skin was a source of pride, the upper-class used to strive for light skin and would wear hats to prevent themselves from getting too many freckles, but now it is pretty much reversed. It is very sad what women will do to make themselves more desirable to men and how they give in to societies expectations. I am proud of my pale skin but there was a time when I was just like the rest of them, hoping to somehow tan instead of burning when I went to the beach, or even burning on purpose so it would turn into a tan.

  4. I agree. It is an issue that women, and men actually in this case, are suckered into the fact in order to be attractive one must have a glowing tan ontop of all the other expectations. Skin cancer is a major problem and tanning doesn't help. I myself have been suckered into the tanning, and I probably will still go. However it just opens your eyes to how you know the risks of tanning and other situations and yet you still put yourself at risk for the sake of beauty.
