Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reality [TV] LOVE

The Bachelor, Bachelorette and teen dating shows such as Tila Tequila have rocked our televisions and our minds with the intense drama. Our culture craves the idea of the opposite sex fighting for attention. Watching the ending of the Bachelor Jason chose Melissa, the beautiful brunette, but in the reunion show, the bachelor decides his choice was wrong and begged for the runner-up back. Same with Tila Tequila, a bisexual woman craving attention from both men and women to find her one true love. Shows like these give the American public that sense of needing more all the time. What do these shows tell the viewers? It tells the viewers that being in a monogamous relationship is not what the norm should be. The norm is to test drive it before you buy it. Women want their prince charming and men want their fun and their sexy women. It disturbs me that even I would be attracted to shows such as this and getting caught up in some of the tabloid’s most destructive relationships. These relationships off these dating shows, although seem to make a match made in heaven, in fact end up in heartbreak and high viewer ratings. Lesson learned is that REAL LOVE IS NOT FOUND ON TELEVISION.

1 comment:

  1. Real love truly is NOT found on television. And these shows where the person picks one person and then changes their mind in the end shows the public that it's ok to change your mind. When your in love, there is no changing your mind. And love takes time, not 20 men and/or women trying to get your attention and just get you to give them the time of day. Love cannot by found through a television show as shown through the examples the poster gave of the Bachelor and Tila Tequila, where both ended up broken hearted and begging for the next best thing.
