Thursday, March 12, 2009

MEAN to love them and got to hate them...

Mean Girls, one of my personal favorite movies, is so incredibly close to how real girls experience real problems: the friendships they form, the jealousy they feel, the backstabbing that happens. It sounds clichéd, but high school can really be a cutthroat situation. Every girl just wants to be liked; to be pretty and popular. They want the guy they like to like them back.
In the movie, the main character Cady has a crush on a guy named Aaron. Cady’s newest friend Regina says she’ll help Cady by talking to Aaron but actually steals Aaron from Cady. Cady then plots to ruin Regina’s beauty and popularity. This might not have happened to every girl while in high school, but the underlying problem was common: girl likes boy, boy likes another girl, and the two girls lose their friendship. It’s sad, but so many friendships in high school were either fake or so easily broken.
Another thing that the movie touches on is the lack of respect girls develop for each other. One of the teachers in Mean Girls offers this pearl of wisdom, “You’ve got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it okay for guys to call each other sluts and whores.” Girls call each other sluts and whores without hesitancy, and sure enough, guys do the same. I have been called a bitch affectionately, jokingly, and seriously, and been unfazed all the same. If it becomes the norm to call each other these kinds of names, you start to demean yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely. The movie truly portrays the life of the high school girl trying to fit in. You see as the main character is molded from an art loving cultured girl into a "Plastic". Its horrible to see that it is actually true. No one wants to be truly called a "whore" or a "slut" and the movie opened eye I believe to the fact that it is not just the guys faults for the names that they call women. It is the women who encourage and show the acceptability of calling women the vulgar names.
