Thursday, February 5, 2009


Women all around the world no matter what race seek out happiness. Searching YouTube I came upon a couple short videos of an all women’s tribe in Kenya called the Samburo tribe in Umoja. This video sparked my interest because the caption for the video said, “the village were men are forbidden.” Knowing very little about the African tribe I watched a couple of the videos. These heart wrenching videos show the reason why these women live together without men. Majority are there because of the British army rapes that happened years before but still shake the lives of the women because after the rapes the women were ostrised and looked poorly upon in their home villages. Other women were tired of the polygamy and their daughters’ being raped and forced into marriage with much older men when the women were not of age to reproduce. So one women spoke and started this village of women, her name is Lolosoli. Over three dozen women live happily in this tribe in the dry grasslands and do everything that a man can do. The men are allowed in the village to have relationships with the women as well as come to eat and reproduce without the use of sexual force but consensual. The fact that the men respect the village of these women to me sounds incredible because these women were tortured and looked down upon for something so horrific. Especially living in a society where the norm is that women obey the men and live the way the men want them to. The men were told by the local government they were not to overstep their boundaries as read in the Washington Post article of this tribe, but it is amazing to see a society where men rule that they are comfortable with giving the women the respect they deserve and letting them live the way they want to. "… Women have to demand rights, and then respect will come. But if you remain silent, no one thinks you have anything to say…” Lolosilo said to the Washington Post. These women have made such an impact on their society that people went from disrespecting them to the government being on their side to help protect them. I believe everyone can learn from this because it is a perfect example of not forgetting what you have been through, not being the victim but being an inspiration and positive advocate for others like you and a voice to change not just a village but the world.


  1. So this blog is truley touching and a very sad story first off. I think you did a wonderful job on picking this story. I think that women living in a tribe together without men sounds like a very big step forward. The things that these women have been throguh is enough, rape is a very serious issue that i think should be taken very seriouly. I think that what these women are doing could shed new light on other women tribes or maybe other women in general. MAybe were doing it all wrong, maybe men and women shouldnt live together other then to eat together and reproduce. What these women are doing is very brave and i respect it 100%.This is an excellent blog!

  2. Great way to pay these women a tribute! Anytime there is land occupied by a foreign entity stories like this come up, unfortunately it is not unique. What I totally appreciate is the position they took-we(women) will live amongst ourselves! I wonder if that is something women in America could do??
